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Orthodox Reflections on American Memorial Day
Author: Father David MyazhaThe bodies of our war dead lie buried in hallowed plots throughout this land, and it has long been our custom as Americans to decorate their graves on Memorial Day as a token of our respect for them as beloved friends and kinsmen and of our aspiration that war may be removed from the earth forever.Our American Memorial Day was initially known as “Decoration Day,” an opportunity to decorate many graves of the over 600,000 men who died in the US Civil War. It was, by far, our nation’s costliest war in terms of human life—about two...
How to Respond to Reprimands in Church
by Hieromonk Roman (Kropotov) One day after the Liturgy, Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh came out to preach on the ambo. After a short silence, he said, “Last night a woman came to the service with a child. She was wearing trousers and no head scarf. One of you reprimanded her. She left. I don’t know who reprimanded her, but I order this person to pray for her and for this child, until the end of his days, that the Lord save them. Because of you, she may never come to church again!” Having said this, he turned around and went...
Met. Nicholas Visits the Monastery!
On October 27, 2022 Met. Nicholas visits the monastery with Fr. Alexander to meet the brotherhood. The visited started with Divine Liturgy and ended with a festive meal and exchange of gifts.
Pascha Newsletter from Metropolitan Jonah
PASCHA 2022 Beloved in Christ, Χριστός Ανέστη! Христос Воскресе! Christ is Risen! The fathers and a brothers of St Demetrios Monastery greet you with joy in the Resurrection of Christ! We give thanks to God for all the multitude of blessings he has showered upon us, and especially for the gift of spiritual illumination that He imparts to us in this radiant Feast of grace. Celebrating Pascha we celebrate not only the rising of Jesus, 2000 years ago, but that He has raised us from the tombs, from our imprisonment in our fallen state, and raised us to participate, even...
Ordination of Hieromonk Silouan
Father Silouan Brown, a member of our brotherhood now living in Uganda, was recently ordained to the holy priesthood by our Abbot, Metropolitan Jonah. Let us all pray for him in this new stage God has put him in as he begins full-time his mission work in Africa with Orthodox Africa.