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From the Monastery of St Demetrios: Nativity Dear Friends of St Demetrios Monastery, The Lord bless you! ​This Christmas season is a time of rejoicing for Christians, as we celebrate the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ into the world.  This is the reason for our Joy, that our Salvation has come into the world. God sent His Son into the world, to be born of the Virgin in great obscurity, in profound humility, to recapitulate the whole creation in Himself.  He became what we are, that He might make us what He is: that he would deify our nature...

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Christ is risen! Христосъ воскресе! Χριστὸς ἀνέστη! We are already a few weeks out from the great feast of feasts Pascha, the Resurrection of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank God that the Monastery was able to celebrate many divine services and feast well during this time. Thank you to all who fasted with us during the Great Fast, and then prayed and feasted with us during the start of this joyous Paschal season. The very first Ecumenical Synod gave us the praxis that for fifty days after Pascha we do not bend the knee in prayer,...

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Author: Father David MyazhaThe bodies of our war dead lie buried in hallowed plots throughout this land, and it has long been our custom as Americans to decorate their graves on Memorial Day as a token of our respect for them as beloved friends and kinsmen and of our aspiration that war may be removed from the earth forever.Our American Memorial Day was initially known as “Decoration Day,” an opportunity to decorate many graves of the over 600,000 men who died in the US Civil War. It was, by far, our nation’s costliest war in terms of human life—about two...

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by Hieromonk Roman (Kropotov) One day after the Liturgy, Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh came out to preach on the ambo. After a short silence, he said, “Last night a woman came to the service with a child. She was wearing trousers and no head scarf. One of you reprimanded her. She left. I don’t know who reprimanded her, but I order this person to pray for her and for this child, until the end of his days, that the Lord save them. Because of you, she may never come to church again!” Having said this, he turned around and went...

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On October 27, 2022 Met. Nicholas visits the monastery with Fr. Alexander to meet the brotherhood. The visited started with Divine Liturgy and ended with a festive meal and exchange of gifts.

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