Orthodox Africa
Orthodox Africa is an international non-profit and pan-Orthodox organization started by Father Silouan Brown a monk of the Saint Demetrios Skete in Washington, D.C. in 2015 with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion First-Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and Metropolitan Jonah former Primate of the Orthodox Church in America. Orthodox Africa began with the vision to help the various Orthodox Christian mission communities on the African continent to become self-sustaining missions so that they can operate individually and without the need of permanent need of foreign financial aid.
Orthodox Africa attains these self-sustainment goals by working with local Orthodox clergy and mission leaders to develop local projects that create steady streams of revenue such as the raising of animals, horticulture projects, clean water projects, and Orthodox schools. Please, explore our website and consider a tax-deductible donation to Orthodox Africa to help us continue our mission of growing Christs’ Holy Orthodox Church on the African continent.
The proceeds from the sale of these products goes directly to Orthodox Africa and assists in helping further the growth of self sustaining, fiscally responsible Orthodox missions in Africa.
You can learn more at www.orthodoxafrica.org