Supplicatory Canon to Great Martyr Anastasia, the Deliverer from Potions (Paterikon 2023)

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The intent of this publication is to offer an English language service book for the Supplication Service (Paraklesis) to Great Martyr Anastasia, the Deliverer from Potions (Φαρμακολύτρια). The framework of the service text is in accordance with common practice in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

Well known for her great intercession on behalf of those struggling with the poisons of mental illness, addiction, possession, and imprisonment, this Supplication Service is now offered to a new generation of faithful.

For the benefit of the faithful, and as a suggested reading at the conclusion of the service, we have offered a brief account of the saint’s life and miraculous intercessions as second section to this volume.

72 pages

4" x 6.25"