Contains the lives of the following ascetics:
Father Basil, the First Priest of St. Petersburg’s Women’s Monastery of the Resurrection; St. Seraphim of Sarov and the Royal Family; The Czar’s Gift to St. Seraphim: The Shrine for the Relics of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov; Igumenia Dorothea of Sukhotinsky Monastery; Simeon, Metropolitan of Smolensk; Blessed Thaddeus of Olonets; Schemamonk Nicholas; Bishop Theophan the Recluse; Hieroschemamonk Antipas; Archimandrite Theodosius (Sophroniev Hermitage); Blessed Hermylus and Eldress Agnia, Igumenia (Kaluga, 18th Century); Basil Petrovich Braguzin; His Eminence Bishop Meletius, Evangelist to the Pagans of Siberia; Gregory Agafonov the Hermit; Father Irinarchus, Ascetic of Kuryazh Monastery in Kharkov Governorate; Ignatius, Barlaam, and Macarius, Ascetics of Piety of Trinity – St. Sergius Hermitage, Which Is near St. Petersburg; Theodore Kuzmich, the Elder of Tomsk; Igumen Jonathan of Valaam; The Mysterious Nun Arcadia; General Andrew Andreyevich Petrovsky (Monk Andrew of Optina); Igumen Damascene, Superior of Valaam Monastery; Handmaiden of God Xenia; Hieromonk Gerasimus, Father Confessor of St. Sergius Hermitage; His Eminence Gabriel, Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg; Igumenia Antonia of Kashin; Tatiana Pakhomovna, The Superior of the Women’s Monastery in the City of Kirsanov; His Eminence Philotheus, Metropolitan of Kiev; Father Alexis Kolokolov; Blessed Pelagia Ivanovna, Fool for Christ, the Ascetic of St. Seraphim – Diveyevo Monastery; Theophilus of Svyatogorsk, Fool for Christ; Blessed Theodore Fedorovich Kozhevnikov; A Russian Bishop, a Hermit on Athos; Athonite Schemamonk Joachim, a Former Robber
Translated from the original Russian. This is the first time this work has been translated into English.