In his Ecclesial Being: Contributions to Theological Dialogue, Professor Constantine Scouteris focuses most ably on the mystery of the human person in the context of the conciliarity of the Church. His vision of the unity of the Orthodox churches, based on the Pauline theme of the New Israel, embraces all Orthodox Christian peoples wonderfully diverse in language and culture as one nation in Christ, which the entire world is invited to join.
The question of the Orthodox understanding of the Church is one of the most pressing of our times, and Professor Scouteris’ book is simply masterful in its presentation of the Body of Christ as a theanthropic institution. His genius, which is more than evident in this book, is his ability to treat complex themes with remarkable clarity, a clarity which stems from his profound erudition and special relationship with his spiritual father, St. Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia.