Christogram ICXC Beanie (Knit Hat)

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  • Regular price $15.00

In Eastern Orthodoxy, the most widely used Christogram is a four-letter abbreviation ICXC—a traditional abbreviation of the Greek words for "Jesus Christ" (that is, the first and last letters of each of the words ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ—written "IHCOYC XPICTOC" with a transliteration of the lunate sigma common in medieval Greek as "C"). On icons this christogram may be split: "IC" on the left of the image and "XC" on the right, most often with a bar above the letters, indicating that it was a sacred name. It is sometimes rendered as "ICXC NIKA," meaning "Jesus Christ Conquers."

"ICXC" may also be seen inscribed on the Ichthys. Moreover, in the traditional Orthodox icon of Christ Pantokrator, Christ's right hand is shown in a pose that represents the letters IC, X, and C.